September 27, 2024
The Book Club Guide is Here
  1.  If you’ve read or listened to THE FRANKLIN KEY what was your first impression?  Did you have a favorite character?
  2. Have you ever read a time travel novel before this one?  What attracts you about reading a modern-day fantasy?  Is there anything you don’t like?
  3. There are numerous historical stories in The Franklin Key that are fictions based on real events or history.  Did you like learning about “jumps” that Leah’s family members made?  Why or why not?
  4. What would you do if YOU found out you were a time traveler?  Is there someplace or some time you would like to visit?
  5. Benjamin Franklin is Leah’s “Guardian”.  She travels to his print shop before she travels anywhere else.  What historical figure would you like to be your Guardian?  Who would you like to meet?  (Hint: In the next book, Galileo is a Guardian.)
  6. You’ve never found a key inscribed in ancient Turkic, but what surprising thing have you found in your lifetime?
  7. In a perfect world, where you had every skill needed to write and publish a book, what book would you like to write?

Note: These are just a few suggestions to get your book club discussion started. Feel free to add your own questions and delve deeper into the themes and ideas presented in The Franklin Key.